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There has been an increase in the use of scientific evidence and expert participation in several court cases, by multiple articulations between the practices and imaginaries from legal and techno-scientific systems. In these cases, a group of “controversial cases” can be distinguished, which problematize the authority of judges and experts, and renegotiate the meanings of traditional concepts such as “judicial neutrality” and “expert impartiality and independence”. In order to contribute characterizing controversial cases, in this paper it is proposed an analysis matrix designed with concepts from Science and Technology Studies (STS) and legal studies. This matrix is built from three dimensions: formal/ structural, material/ functional and institutional/ decisional. These dimensions offer a perspective that allows characterize controversial cases and difference them from other types of complex cases. As example, it is included some environmental cases selected from Argentinian courts.

Gonzalo Luciano Bailo, CONICET; UNL

Abogado, Becario Doctoral CONICET- Argentina. Docente simple de Derecho Civil II (Obligaciones) y de Derecho de Daños en FCJS- UNL. Desarrolla su investigación en el área de propiedad intelectual de plantas, semillas y nuevas tecnologías. Lugar de trabajo: Centro de Investigaciones FCJS-UNL.

Dirección: Alberti 850, Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Argentina, CP 3000. E-mail:

Norma Elizabeth Levrand, CONICET; UADER; UNL

Abogada, Becaria Postdoctoral CONICET- Argentina, Docente Adjunta del Seminario de Relaciones Laborales en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Gestión (UADER), Jefa de Trabajos Prácticos de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad en la Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas (UNL). Desarrolla su investigación sobre la tutela jurídica del patrimonio cultural y trabaja sobre el vínculo naturaleza-sociedad en la regulación jurídica.

Dirección: Esteban Rams 770, Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina, CP 3100. E-mail:

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