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Despite new evidence, procedures, client testimony, and movements around the world, old myths regarding schizophrenia still prevail among both the public and mental health professionals.  Thirty years have passed since the mind-blowing publication in 1987 of the Vermont Longitudinal Study of Persons with Severe Mental Illness (Harding, Brooks, Ashikaga, Straus, & Breier), which led to Harding and Zahniser’s 1994 article, Empirical Correction of Seven Myths about Schizophrenia with Implications for Treatment.  We need to systematically review what we know and what we do not know in the light of new evidence.  We need to find ways  to communicate  the knowledge derived from academic research on schizophrenia and psychosis to professionals working with this population, and to people with schizophrenia and their families. Thus can we begin to break down the rock-solid prejudices that have been rooted in humanity for centuries.

Alberto Fergusson, Universidad del Rosario

Universidad del Rosario, Director of the Center for Psychosocial Studies (cepso/cepss), School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Vice-president of the World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation (wapr). E-mail:

Miguel Gutierrez-Pelaez, Universidad del Rosario

Universidad del Rosario, Director of the Psychology Program, School of Medicine and Health Sciences. People, Family, and Society Research Group, Bogotá, Colombia. E-mail:

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