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Introduction: this work aimed to contribute to the study of the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the Appraisal of Self-care Agency Scale (ASA Scale) in adolescents. Materials and Methods: a questionnaire was constructed with the 24 items of the ASA Scale together with items to explore sociodemographic variables, as well as health-related behaviors and conditions. The questionnaire was applied to 541 Mexican adolescents. Several analysis techniques were performed: exploratory factor analysis (EFA); confirmatory factor analysis (CFA); determination of internal consistency (Coefficients α and ω); and other variables relationship based on group comparisons. The performance of different structures of the ASA scale was analyzed. Results: it was possible to obtain two proposals based on the ASA Scale for its use in adolescents, one based on a one-dimensional model (20 items), as well as one based on a three-factor model (14 items). These proposals performed well in the AFC, as well as in internal consistency. In addition, they presented validity evidence based on the relationship with health-related behaviors and conditions. Conclusion: evidence of validity and reliability is presented that supports the use of two reduced versions of the ASA Scale in adolescents.

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