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Rationality, strategic decisions and complex thought have prompted the construction of the problem of this research, which are presented in terms of the limited and reductionist character of the criteria and referents of decision concerning the traditional management vision in contrast with a complex view of human reality. Exploration of this problem was made from, and for, the academic field of strategy in order to show some of the difficulties that arise in the definition and implementation of a particular corporate strategy. Fieldwork was conducted in a Colombian multi-business company in the insurance sector, and data were obtained through semi-structured interviews with various participants in the organization. Complex thinking from the perspective of Edgar Morin (1990) became the theoretical framework. The hermeneutics of action of Ricœur (2010) illuminated the interpretation of the qualitative data of analysis. The system of open, axial, selective and process coding that Strauss and Corbin suggested (2002) was used. Overall, three categories emerged from the data: synergy as relevant to strategic decision; dehumanization as one of the effects of strategic decision on individuals, and ruptures in relational tissue, as one of the impacts that the synergy has in the studied organization.

Luz María Rivas Montoya, Escuela de Administración de la Universidad EAFIT.

Profesora Tiempo Completo del Departamento de Organización y Gerencia en la Escuela de Administraciónde la Universidad EAFIT. Economista, MBA, estudiante de último semestre de la Maestríaen Ciencias de la Administración, Universidad EAFIT.
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