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Reflections on myths, mythology, and mythical thought in culture are at a crossroads of various disciplines, such as Anthropology, History, Philosophy, and Literature. The communication sciences can use this knowledge to ponder over media narratives, the transformations of digital communication, the development of communication technologies, and new forms of producing, disseminating, and consuming narratives. The objective of this research is to identify how myths are treated in the most recent scientific production on Communication and what relationships are established between the knowledge of myths and the characteristics of digital communication. A scoping review is performed based on Scopus and Web of Science. A map of the geographical distribution of the publications is established, recurring keywords are identified, and an analytical view of the articles’ content is identified. Myths are sometimes treated as the opposite of reality and sometimes as a symbolic representation. Finally, seven articles are analyzed in depth to adopt a theoretically coherent approach to the notion of myths. The results point to a gap to be filled regarding myths and digital culture. Imagination studies can be best applied in scientific approaches to study the phenomenon of media and its transformations in the digital age.

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