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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been associated with deficits in executive functions, but no cognitive profile is clearly associated with the combined subtype (ADHD-C). The goals of this study were to compare the inhibitory control and the monitoring of students with and without ADHD-C, and to analyze the correlation between experimental tasks and scales for behavioral evaluation with the referred executive functions. The study had 68 participants, including an experimental group of 34 students with ADHD-C and a control group of 34 students reflecting typical development. The instruments for measurement were the behavioral scales BRIEF, BIS 11-c, and ADHD Rating Scale IV, and the experiments were based on Go/No-Go, Simon, and Victoria Stroop tasks. It was found that the experimental group with ADHD presented deficits in the executive functions evaluated, and that the behavioral scales and the experiments evaluated different levels of executive function.

Carlos Ramos, Universidad Internacional SEK del Ecuador

  • PSICÓLOGO INFANTIL Y PSICOREHABILITADOR - Universidad Central del Ecuador (2008)
  • MAGÍSTER EN PEDAGOGÍA - Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (2013)
  • DOCTOR EN PSICOLOGÍA (2015). Universidad de Concepción-Chile.
Ramos, C., & Pérez-Salas, C. (2017). Inhibitory Control and Monitoring in Child Population with ADHD. Avances En Psicología Latinoamericana, 35(1), 117–130.


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