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In recent years, social networks such as Instagram have become spaces that prolong the action of protests and demonstrations and transfer it to the social network interface. Protests have moved from real and concrete spaces to what authors like Zappavigna have called digital protest spaces. The objective of this work is to study how these digital protest spaces are constructed based on a qualitative content analysis of the images posted by social network users. A sample of nine images of Instagram users was filtered with key hashtags that reflect different moments of the protests against the Procés. Various techniques were applied, such as formal and iconographic analysis, and framing theory as a framework for discourse analysis and image categorization. The results inform about how users relate to each other and how they interact with protests using forms of audiovisual activism. It is concluded that the collective imagination is founded upon a series of symbolic icons that will be defined to finish unveiling the network of visual resources that help to understand how to relate and build a digital memory of the protest. This work provides a basic method of analysis and reflection on the integration of minority narratives in journalistic coverage.

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