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Objective: This research was aimed at determining the effects of an exercise program with the art of Tai Chi in older women. Material and Methods: A quasi-experimental study with a longitudinal cutting was conducted; the study population was a group of elderly in the city of Popayan. It consisted of three phases: in the first one, an initial evaluation of physical capacity (walking, balance, daily basic activities) was applied, afterward, the scale of Yesavage for signs of depression, and finally the Folstien Mini Mental Test to assess cognitive functions. In the second phase, a program of Tai Chi exercises in one weekly session for a twelve weeks period was implemented. In the third phase, the evaluation of the results of the program through participant re-evaluating was carried out. Results: The functional capacity improved in all the tested aspects, the difference in walking speed and the static and dynamic balance were statistically significant; in the same way, the cognitive ability improved in all the tested items, statistical significance was found in aspects such as memory, attention, calculation and language. All participants achieved full functionality of the daily basic activities. Conclusions: The application of a Tai Chi technique provides significant benefits in the balance and the cognitive ability of the elderly, leading to a breakthrough in their independent behavior and improving their functional capacity, so it could be recommended as an alternative technique of physiotherapeutic intervention in neuronal rehabilitation.

Mónica Andrea Silva-Zemanate

Estudiantes de fisioterapia, décimo semestre. Facultad Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad del Cauca.

Sandra Liliana Pérez-Solarte

Estudiantes de fisioterapia, décimo semestre. Facultad Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad del Cauca.

María Isabel Fernández-Cerón

Estudiantes de fisioterapia, décimo semestre. Facultad Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad del Cauca.

Luz Ángela Tovar-Ruíz

Fisioterapeuta. Especialista en neurorrehabilitación y docencia universitaria. Docente asociada al departamento de fisioterapia.
Facultad Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia.

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