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This article treats the topic of the perceptions of the delinquency that they have been formed by the inhabitants of two urban areas of the cty of Guadalajara, Mexico: the neighborhood of Analco and the colony Providence. The perceptions are defined as a social construction that propitiates the subjective configurations with those that the fellows appropriate in the daily personal experience and the way like they select the possible interpretations. This definition relates the perceptions with the sensations and the senses, but also with a lattice –can be call net, outline or copy– of symbols, senses and meanings that help them to act in and with the world. The own construction of the perceptions grants elements to link them with situations of vital importance for the fellows: space-temporary descriptions of the world, daily evaluations of the situations and, especially, with the prescriptive aspects of the life. In the sense up described, the perceptions are included inside the processes of social knowledge, located space-temporarily, as long as they depend on the senses of the fellows to capture the reality and of the previous knowledge. This is what gives floor to speak of the subjectivity, of the rationality and of the beliefs.

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