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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The following documents must accompany the article upon submission:

    1. Title page: must include the article title in both Spanish and English, the name(s) of the author(s), the institutional affiliation stating country and city, the source of funding of the research project, and a brief summary of the curriculum vitae of the author(s) in up to four (4) lines, including the ORCID code of each researcher and their institutional email addresses. In addition, it must indicate whether the article has been presented at any conference or whether it was written for a lecture presentation.

  • Abstract and keywords: Author(s) must attach an abstract of their article, not exceeding one hundred and twenty (120 -180) words in Spanish and English. The abstract text must be concise and briefly present the objective, methodology, results, and conclusions so that readers can get a sense of the overall document at first reading. In addition, they must provide three to five keywords facilitating article search, both in Spanish and English.

  • Permission to publish: Author(s) must fill out the authorization for publication provided at the end of this document, sign it, and send it, by physical or digital means. This is an essential requirement for article submission to this journal. Please click on this link to download the permission to publish: http://revistas.urosario.edu.co/index.php/crai/article/viewFile/5262/3548

  • Names and emails of the two potential article reviewers: This information can be used in case of difficulties in assigning the article to peer reviewers. Nonetheless, the editorial staff will ensure compliance with the double-blind review process to avoid conflicts of interest.

  • The text must fulfill the bibliography and style requirements. References included within the text and sources must be introduced in compliance with the citation guidelines of 7th Edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) rules. Reference checks will be the responsibility of authors.
  • Length: 8000–10,000 words, including bibliographic references.
  • Margins: 3 cm on each side of the page.
  • Line spacing: double-spacing, including quotations. Do not insert tabs or extra spaces between paragraphs. Do not insert page breaks
  • Typography or font: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Page numbering: at the lower-right-hand corner of each page.
  • Title: In Spanish and English. If the document is written in a different language, the author must include the three titles.
  • Footnotes: must be explanatory and not for the purposes of presenting the bibliography, unless in the case of a supplementary reference.
  • List of references: placed at the end of the article, following the 7th Edition of the APA.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted to another journal. An explanation is provided in the comments to the editor.
  • The article you wish to submit to the journal complies with the rules for authors presented in the “Submissions” section.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements. References are within the text and citation standards (it is the author’s responsibility to verify and complement bibliographic references and ensure the proper use of the works used for the development of the article).
  • Websites and DOI identifiers were added to ensure the digital location of the resource.
  • The authors state that the article is unpublished and original.
  • The authors include in the article a statement of potential conflicts of interest that may invalidate the publication because of financial, sponsorship, institutional, or authorship relationships.
  • The authors guarantee the integrity of the data, accuracy of the analyses, and veracity of the sources cited.
  • Informed consent forms and publication authorizations must be included for research works involving human populations, communities, minors, or patients. Authors shall bear the sole responsibility of failure to comply with these standards, and they have the duty to defend the journal in the event of a claim made by a third party regarding the aforementioned authorization.
  • The authors declare in the article the availability of data, codes, and research materials within the framework defined by the journal in the ethics policy and according to the limitations that originate in the research.
  • The article provides appropriate citations for data, codes, and materials according to the instructions to the authors, including the DOI identifier.
  • The authors attach the letter of submission duly signed by each of the authors who participated in the preparation of the article; this document is a necessary requirement for publication.
  • The authors accept the treatment of their data for notification purposes in the editorial process, indexing processes of the journal in national and international systems, and sending information of institutional interest. We invite you to consult the data treatment policy of Universidad del Rosario.

All articles submitted to undergo the journal’s publication process must be original and new; in other words, they must never have been published by any print or digital means earlier or have editorial commitments with other journals. The Estudios Socio-Jurídicos journal allows the use of master’s and doctoral dissertations as input for the preparation of research articles; however, the maximum similarity allowed between the new text and the input, obtained using the Turnitin software, must never be higher than 50%.

Author(s) accept that the journal’s receipt of the document does not entail a commitment to publish.

If the document was checked using Turnitin or Ithenticate plagiarism software, authors must send the result of its analysis in PDF format to keep a record of the percentage obtained, otherwise the journal’s check through Turnitin will be used as indicator. Documents achieving a percentage equal to, or higher than, 30% (including self-referencing and self-citation) will be automatically off the application pathway and therefore withdrawn from the editorial process.

Authors must only send their articles through the OJS platform by clicking the “online submissions” link within the dates set in the calls published by the journal on the same portal http://revistas.urosario.edu.co/index.php/sociojuridicos/index or via social media (e.g., Facebook).

The “rules for authors” must be considered to send articles to the journal as they contain its requirements for article submission, which can be accessed at http://revistas.urosario.edu.co/index.php/sociojuridicos/about/submissions#authorGuidelines

Authors must certify that the article has been created by them, sending the “permission to publish” duly filled out and signed. If several authors were part of it, each one must fill out the form and send it to the journal upon article submission. If graphic or statistical material not created by the authors is used, they will be in charge of obtaining the usage permits for the said information with the relevant authorities. Please consider there to be no costs involved for authors with regard to the revision, peer review, and publication processes.

The submitted document must fall into any of the following categories[1]:

  • Scientific and technological research article: a document presenting the original results of research projects in detail. The commonly used structure is divided into four relevant sections: Introduction, Methodology, Results, and Conclusions.
  • Reflection paper: a document presenting research results from an analytical, interpretative, or critical perspective regarding a specific topic on the basis of original sources.
  • Review article: a document arising from research, which analyzes, systematizes, and integrates the results of published or unpublished research on a given topic in the field of science or technology in order to inform on advances and development trends. It is characterized by its thorough literature review featuring at least fifty (50) references.

Please consider the following:

  • To apply to any of these categories, the article must provide a concluding section, while all research articles must always include a description of the method used, the results, and sources.

[1] Classification provided by the “General Guidelines for Updating Colombian Scientific and Technological Serials Index”, Colciencias, 2002.

Authorship Statement – CRediT taxonomy

To strengthen the scientific integrity of research published by the journal, the CRediT taxonomy, established by CASRAI, will be adopted as of the second half of 2021. The article will include the description of the contributing roles of the authors who sign the publication. The level of contribution and type will be defined in accordance with the 14 contributor roles (https://casrai.org/credit/ ), with the possibility for a single author to simultaneously take on some of the following roles:

  1. Conceptualization
  2. Data curation
  3. Formal analysis – statistical techniques and data analysis
  4. Funding acquisition
  5. Investigation – research process
  6. Methodology – design and development
  7. Project administration – management and coordination
  8. Resources – supplying study materials
  9. Software – programming, design, and implementation
  10. Supervision and leadership role in planning
  11. Validation – verification
  12. Visualization – data presentation
  13. Writing – original draft
  14. Writing – review & editing