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This text is a reflection article part of the theoretical basis of the research project called “Exercising the right to work of Cartagena city’s transgender population: analysis of the working conditions regarding the standards of decent work”, which embeds the analysis of the case in a much more general one: trans citizenship in the District, as a collective identity construction in which acts of repression and violence have been an important point of action and reaction, understanding transgender identity as one of those present in the LGBTI Social Movement in the city and in Colombia. For such purposes a brief theoretical development of the concept of citizenship will be addressed, to enter the field of collective action and social movements as agents of radical democracy, on the pretext of understanding the links between social movements and the realization of the transgender population citizen status, a matter which, despite the democratic advances since the 1991 Constitution, remains controversial, because trans citizenship has been recognized in an incomplete way and in some cases only by the use the legitimate force.

Nina Ferrer Araújo, Universidad San Buenaventura Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco

Abogada, Especialista en Derecho Comercial, magister en Género, Sociedad y Políticas Públicas de la FLACSO. Investigadora vinculada a los Grupos: GIELACID de la Universidad San Buenaventura de Cartagena y Grupo de Investigaciones Sociales y Jurídicas de la Fundación UNiversitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco.
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