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The FIFA World Cup completely interrupts the Brazilian society’s daily life, as this reason dominates and emerges strong emotions, thus making watching the game with the national team an essential act of media communication. This study thus describes and analyzes the distribution of content originating from the transmission of a soccer game from the 2018 FIFA World Cup offered by Brazilian television networks that hold the license for the event’s broadcasting rights, either in the programing strip of television channels or on the Internet through web applications. To do so, Yin’s delimited multiple case study method was employed. The study results revealed that the three licensed Brazilian television networks distributed the transmission through 14 different configurations between television broadcasts and the Internet. Further, we argue that while the idea of productive chain proposed by the institution responsible for the event (FIFA) seeks to unify sports television broadcasting worldwide, in practice, it suffers interference from national aspects in distribution. For this reason, it is vital to produce the event broadcast to distribute it worldwide. This is the responsibility of the national channels licensed by FIFA, as they adapt the broadcasts to regional and local variations in political, technical, and social issues.

Tatiana Zuardi Ushinohama Tati, Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF - RJ/Brasil

Doutoranda em Comunicação - UFF, PPGCOM; Mestra em Comunicação (Midiática) - UNESP, FAAC; Pós-Graduada em Linguagem, Cultura e Mídia - UNESP, FAAC; Graduada em Comunicação Social: habilitação em Radialismo - UNESP, FAAC; e em Educação Física (Licenciatura Plena) - UNESP, FC.

Marco Roxo Marco Roxo, Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF - RJ/Brasil

Professor Doutor do Departamento de Estudos Culturais e Mídia e do Programa de Pós Graduação em Comunicação da UniversidadeFederal Fluminense. Presidente da Associação Nacional dosProgramas de Pós Graduação em Comunicação. Autor dos livros Jornalistas, Pra quê (Editora Aprís, 2016) e A greve dos jornalistasde 1979 (Editora Eduff, 2013). É bolsista de Produtividade nível 2 doCNPQ.
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