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Sonic branding is the strategic use of sound to communicate the identity and values of a brand in the different touch points with its publics. The objective of this study is to determine which brand personality traits and self-reported emotions (calmness or excitement and pleasantness) are associated with different sonic logo features. The author conducted a 3 x 3 x 2 within-subjects experiment —intensity (fade up, fade down, constant), pitch (ascending, descending, constant), and pace (fast, slow)—. These features are manipulated resulting in 18 versions of a 3-seconds sonic logo with 18 unknown brand names, embedded in a 9 seconds voice message. Results show that slow and fade up sonic logos are slightly more pleasant and simpler than fast and fade down sonic logos, and descending sonic logos are down-to-earth. Also, the combination of fade up and ascending pitch is less exciting and less aggressive than the combination of fade down and descending pitch. A deeper understanding of the processing of sound is required to further the theory on branding and have important practical implications for media production and advertising.

Lluís Mas, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Lluís Mas, Ph.D. in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising with honors (UAB, Spain), is a professor in the Communication Department of UPF (Barcelona, Spain). His main research interests are branding, digital media, political communication, advertising, models of communication and physicophysiological measures. He recently gained a scholarship to be a visiting scholar in Texas Tech University (June to November 2017), where he has developed a project on Sound Branding.  Lluís Mas is the coordinator of the “Communication, Advertising and Society” research group (CAS, UPF,

Mas, L. (2019). Sonic logos: An Experimental Design on Sound Features and Brand Personality. Anuario Electrónico De Estudios En Comunicación Social "Disertaciones", 12(2), 125–141.

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