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The present study examines the evidence of validity and reliability of the Argentine version of the fear of missing out (FoMO) scale in a sample of residents in the Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (amba) (Argentina). The scale consists in a single factor that allows us to measure the degree to which people are aware of other people’s activities compared with their own experiences. This study involved 416 individuals with ages between 18 and 66 years (M = 28.82) and of different genders (Male = 25 %; Female = 75 %). The confirmatory factor analysis yielded values higher than 0.90 for the ifi, nnfi, and cfi indices and the rmsea values lower than 0.08, figures considered as adequate adjustment indicators. The internal consistency was evaluated from Cronbach’s Alpha and the McDonald’s Omega statistic, obtaining acceptable figures (α = 0.77; ω = 0.99). The external validity analysis showed significant associations with the Rosenberg self-esteem scale, following previous studies.

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