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After the peace agreement between the farc-ep and the National Government, a peculiar theoretical development on the meaning of “restorative justice” began in the Colombian legal field. However, I find that the debate presents some methodological difficulties in approaching this concept and, thus, in its implementation. Thus, the question to be resolved is how much can the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (sjp) be understood as a model of Restorative Justice? Considering that the restorative justice we are approaching arises from a transitional context within a specific judicial system, different from the restorative justice discussed in the ordinary criminal system, reference is made to a transitional-restorative justice. Then, we note that the concept of restorative justice is composed of several elements, but, depending on the emphasis or their grouping, three major meanings can be pointed out: (i) one from the transformation of values in society; (ii) one related to restorative reparations and sanctions; (iii) and finally one related to restorative processes. These three will serve as a basis to approach the jep and evaluate how “restorative” its goals, results, and procedures are and thus formulate problems for future research.

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