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The changes produced in recent years in social communication models have meant that all sectors have had to adapt to new media to reach their audiences. The communication of science is no exception. The distribution of contents about science is adapting to an increasing presence of technologies, and the social network Twitter has become a necessary ally due to its large volume of users. In this paper, machine learning techniques are used to develop a sentiment classifier of messages posted in real-time on Twitter. To this end, 200 000 tweets were downloaded to build a training corpus of 10 000 clean and processed labeled texts, half positive and half negative, about science in Spanish. This corpus allows the training of the machine learning model and builds a prototype, OpScience, able to determine the sentiment of messages posted on Twitter in real-time. The accuracy results obtained by the classifier is around 72 %. This can help to assess issues of scientific communication in a space of social debate and predict future interests or trends, as observed during the test in January 2019.

Patricia Sánchez-Holgado, Universidad de Salamanca. España

Doctoranda en Formación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Salamanca, España. Licenciada en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas, máster en Dirección y Gestión de Empresas y máster en Big Data.

Manuel Martín-Merino Acera, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (UPSA) España

Catedrático de Inteligencia Artificial. Departamento de Informática. Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, España. Licenciado en Ciencias Físicas y Doctor en Física aplicada.

David Blanco Herrero, Universidad de Salamanca. España

Doctorando en Formación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento. Universidad de Salamanca, España. Graduado en ADE (Universidad de León), en Periodismo (Universidad a Distancia de Madrid) y Máster en Comunicación Audiovisual (Universidad de Salamanca). 
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