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It is crucial to understand how can the capabilities, information, and communication technologies as means to boost human development impact the life quality of young university students. As an innovative feature, we validated a model linking the variables, such as media-ict, conversion factors, capabilities, functioning, life purposes, and life satisfaction, by relating them to the specific characteristics of this population. We applied a quota survey to six public universities in Northern, Central, Eastern, Western, and Southern Mexico, and thus obtained data from 3,629 young people. Using structural models, we confirmed that the empirical model is robust, considering that most functional relationships between variables are significant. Moreover, through a two-stage cluster analysis, we created a typology of the capabilities of university students, where the parents’ education and occupation, the level of municipal marginalization, and the university of origin are highly significant. However, although these technologies contribute to life quality of young people, they are not decisive. Moreover, their capabilities, such as freedom, autonomy, and environmental opportunities, drive the use, exploitation, and regulation of their technological practices.

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