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In this research, the social customs, meanings, and reinterpretations of a series of Instagram memes and posts are interpreted in an attempt to identify the symbolic treatment given to each one of them, and their impact on today’s society. Next, the informative role played by their varying narratives on digital media was also evaluated. Based on the knowledge and the relationships involved in these communications, analogies were established in terms of the conditions, applications and processes that may provide suggestions with purposes set out, and under conditions that meet the different interpretations of the memetic universe. The content analysis methodological approach used was qualitative, and the empiric fieldwork is limited to the contemporary digital narrative universe, which allows us to identify assemblies and disassemblies with which individuals seek to bring to light and give response to their daily, political, academic, or work concerns. To conclude, it differentiates five non-independent memetic narratives that help replicate entertainment, research, and authenticity dynamics that may be used at the educational or cultural sphere, besides bringing us closer to the complexity entailed by the level of desire of going out of oneself to communicate the “self” to the others.

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