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The psychological first aid protocol according to the 4C model (PFA-4C) sets out actions to assist people on the spot and immediately after being affected by a disaster. The present work aims to determine the psychological characteristics linked to the tendency to efficacy in PFA-4C in non-professional individuals without previous disaster training. In addition, it investigates the effects of decision making and brief training in PFA-4C on that efficacy assessed one week after the training. We carried an explanatory study with factorial design. A sample of 175 university students from a military academy was taken. Correlations were analyzed and a factorial ANCOVA was carried out. The results of the analyses showed a series of psychological variables associated with efficacy in PFA-4C. The following efficacy psychological profile was found: high tenacity and honesty, openness to experience, joviality, agreeableness, affective attraction and taking the other’s perspective, low affective aversion towards the other and high levels of cognitive coping strategies for change the situation and cognitive and behavioral motor coping aimed at reducing emotion and a low level of avoidant coping. Results of the factorial ANCOVA showed that emotional decision making causes a lower efficacy in PFA-4C compared to rational decision making. The results allow us to guide a selection of personnel without previous training for disaster help.

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