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The prevention of the crime has been placed in the center of the academic and political security debate in Latin America. The involvement of the community has had special emphasis in this type of initiatives, nevertheless it has been faced not in a clear form. This situation encourages the consolidation of an authoritarian discourse and at the same time the emergence of negative processes such as lynching of supposed delinquents in many Latin-American countries nowadays. The present article defines a conceptual framework for community crime prevention, including some promising practices as well as identifying the main pending challenges to achieve an integral and effective perspective on violence and crime prevention.


Lucía Dammert

Programa Seguridad y Ciudadanía, FLACSO-Chile.
Dammert, L. (2010). Prevención comunitaria del delito en América Latina: desafíos y oportunidades. Desafíos, 13(1), 124–156. Retrieved from

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Documentos institucionales

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Documento electrónico

Kahn, T., (2000), Policia Comunitaria: avaliando a experiencia, ILANUD [mimeo], Ministerio del Interior de Chile, 2004. Disponible en Word Wilde Web: (


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