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This article aims to describe the identity forms in the Táchira (Venezuela) -North Santander (Colombia) border region. The research design comes from the qualitative methodology and adopts the Grounded Theory as method to be followed. It uses sampling theory in combination with the saturated theory to analyze the interviews of a series of informants located at both sides of the international border. A review of the literature on identity and identity forms was carried out, contemplating the contributions of various scientific disciplines. The data are analyzed in following theoretical coding (open, axial and selective) and analytic induction, to reveal emerging concepts and reveal their links. The results show commonalities and divergent forms of identity: personal identity (self-perception elements, relationships, double identity and identity differentiation), border identity (the region is perceived as different from the rest) and national identity (History, awareness of the border line, and symbols) coexist in the inhabitants of border. The attitudinal aspects show the acceptance and rejection of the performance of the major institutions in the border dynamics. The identity forms found in the region confirm the findings of studies on identity and borders, although it should be noted that the experience of the international boundary fails to blur national stereotyped perceptions of the other.


Ana Marleny Bustamante de Pernía, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela

Edixon J Chacón G, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela

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