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The MDCS Research Group at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, has analyzed the television coverage of the news in Spain on climate change summits developed in Cancun (2010) and Durban (2011). On a base of 309 news records, 169 and 140 respectively and through a registration protocol specially designed by the team for audiovisual works, we conducted a content analysis of the news corpus. Reference is made to the framing of the news, the social context and the cognitive framework of media formats. The information obtained was processed using SPSS.

As a result of this analysis, this paper presents a comparison of the frequencies of some of the variables in the news of the two summits. Compared variables are:  Number of news per day;  No. of “Totales” (A “total” means someone is displayed with its own voice talking); Off Theme, Off Mode, Duration of news, Source of images,  Features of images (stock images, present images), Mood of the Presentation Phrases,  Problem solutions,  Responsibilities in the case of no solution.

Juan Carlos Aguila Coghlan, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Investigador Facultad de Ciencias de la Información Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Aguila Coghlan, J. C. (2013). Framing the News on the Summits of Climate Change on Spanish Television. Anuario Electrónico De Estudios En Comunicación Social "Disertaciones", 6(1), 141–171. Retrieved from

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