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This article proposes some theoretical and historiographical thoughts about both narrative and philosophic methods and procedures read in the Ancient historians. A historiographical review of the main currents and authors of the west historic science in the last three centuries is also carried out, proposing that the intent of originality that inspired many of such intellectual movements –18th century Germanic Philology, Enlightenment, Romanticism, Positivism, School of Annales, etc.– could have had a precursor heritage, unconsciously possibly, in the works of the Ancient world historians, as is the case of Eutropius, translated here from Latin.


Constaín Croce, J. E. (2010). Cercanías al misterio: la historiografía antigua y un libro de Eutropio en el Colegio del Rosario. Desafíos, 16, 216–232. Retrieved from


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