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The aim of this essay is to promote thought on urban landscapes that go further than the concept of natural landscapes and than the notion of a landscape as an object of pictorial representation. Thanks to an initial digression of the esthetics of impurity proposed by Mathieu Kessler, the traveler’s and tourist’s way of being are described: two of the possible landscape’s perceptive focuses that imply, each in their own way, a particular disposition towards joy in the geographical area. Such ethical-esthetic description is widened to cover, the “urban city dweller” or the “citizen’s” ways of being and transiting the contemporary city within its complicities, pressures and paradoxes; thus defending the idea that the excess city which ontologically constitutes the contemporary metropolis is in part compensated –happiness in unhappiness– with the ethical-esthetic disposition of the temporary urban resident.


Enver Joel Torregroza Lara

Profesor principal e investigador, Centro de Estudios Políticos e Internacionales, facultades de Ciencia Política y Gobierno y de Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia.

Torregroza Lara, E. J. (2010). Of the traveler to the tourist: a esthetics and politics of the urban landscape. Desafíos, 19, 71–103. Retrieved from

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