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Based on criticism of ngozation movements as a way to domesticate and depoliticize collective action, this work discusses the operation of ngos that defend the rights of the lgbti population —specifically trans women— in three Colombian cities: Cali, Bogotá and Barranquilla. Using ethnographic techniques, the authors analyze three organizations that defend the rights associated to sexual diversity and focus on their interactions with the trans-population, maintaining that the organizations defraud their operational goals in at least three ways: (i) they focus on legal mobilization —which promotes symbolic rather than material changes— as their main strategy;(ii) they reinforce polemic gender stereotypes that end up affecting the very population they defend; and (iii) they maintain relationships of instrumentalization, cooptation, and complementarity with the people they claim to represent.

Lina Fernanda Buchely, Profesora del área de teoría jurídica e investigadora del grupo de Derecho y Género en la Universidad de los Andes.

Abogada, politóloga, maestra en derecho y candidata a doctora en la misma disciplina en la Universidad de los Andes-Colombia. Estudiante de LLM en la Universidad de Wisconsin- Madison.

Natalia Salas Herrera, Universidad Icesi

Economista, magister en Políticas Públicas y canditada a Magiter en Derecho. Asistente de Investigación en la FDCS de la Universidad Icesi
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